Peak Fall Colors at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

Minnesota Fall Color Finder map for October 19, 2018

As of today, it’s peak fall color time in the Twin Cities. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) updates a map every day with the level of fall colors everywhere in the state. As you can see in today’s map, everywhere in Minnesota is either at peak or past peak. This means this will probably be my only time visiting the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum at peak, and I’ll maybe only have one more post with fall colors at their peak. In the map to the right, the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, which is located on the border of Chanhassen and Chaska, would be southwest of Minneapolis. It’s located less than four miles from my house, and I get in for free because I’m a student at the University of Minnesota (they run the arboretum).

Acer saccharum, Sugar Maple
Betula papyrifera, Paper Birch
A pond covered with leaves
Thuja occidentalis, ‘Hudsonica,’ American arborvitae
Origami in the Garden, created by Santa Fe, New Mexico, artists Kevin and Jennifer Box
Wild turkey
Autumn path with bench
Ginkgo biloba, ‘Autumn Gold,’ Maidenhair Tree
Yellow maple leaves against a bright, blue sky

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