This evening, I did a clean install of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS in just a smidgen over two hours.
That photo shows my Ubuntu desktop after it finished installing with my stopwatch in the foreground. I will even admit that I was going very slow and being extremely cautious. Installing Ubuntu is super easy, and I think anyone that can follow instructions can get it set up without any problems. The reason I did a clean install is that I felt like I corrupted my previous system in some way when I originally tried installing Corel AfterShot Pro 3. You can read this tutorial I just made that explains how to install AfterShot Pro 3 on Ubuntu step-by-step.
This brings me to my last point. Because installing FreeBSD seems a bit harder than I thought it would be at first (because most laptops aren’t fully compatible with the OS), I probably will not be installing it anytime soon. You can therefore ignore this post I made last week about switching to FreeBSD. Maybe some day I will learn how to use FreeBSD. I hope so, at least.